You might have noticed that while visiting this website you have not had to dodge annoying ad banners and pop-ups. We try and keep things clean and easy for you to use!
But, that may lead you to question how we sustain this website. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program and as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
What does this mean for you?
It means that when you click through any of the product links on this website, you are clicking on what is called an ‘affiliate link’. These links may be in the form of buttons, banners or text links and they contain a code which enables the vendor to see that we have referred you to their website.
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It is important to note that any commission we earn does not increase the cost of the item for you. What it does do is help us to continue providing new product reviews – and to keep the power on – so thank you!
Trent is a music lover, musical instrument player and passionate audio afficionado.